Suzanne Cluse
The Covid era has brought Sue to take to online 'live' portraiture. UK celebrities posing for portraiture sessions. (Sky Arts Portrait - artist of the week)
"The photos attached are my efforts and it's enjoyable to have something like this to focus on. These celebrities, whom I'd never heard of before now, are obviously well known in the UK and are, this week's portrait, Rob Rinder, reality TV show judge; grey hired bearded man, pro photographer “Rankin”; author, Bernardine Evaristo, and first week sitter, dancer/choreographer Akram Khan."
Click to enlarge
"The photos attached are my efforts and it's enjoyable to have something like this to focus on. These celebrities, whom I'd never heard of before now, are obviously well known in the UK and are, this week's portrait, Rob Rinder, reality TV show judge; grey hired bearded man, pro photographer “Rankin”; author, Bernardine Evaristo, and first week sitter, dancer/choreographer Akram Khan."
Click to enlarge
The images above are works completed in the last few months of 2017
(Some nice people have said some nice things!)
(late 2016)
It may be said there’s nothing like live sittings, but we don't have ready opportunities for that, outside of, say, 'Portrait Practice'. Without the discipline of almost daily A4 sized paintings, trying to perfect my skills, I'd still be struggling, so consistent practice and use of photos are an important part of my ongoing learning curve. Also I am part of an online group - 'Watercolor Addicts'; they give these daily efforts the old 'thumbs up/thumbs down' look-over, just to keep me grounded. S. |
Here an assortment of recent watercolour work undertaken at ArtsNorth's Tuesday and Thursday painting sessions, 2015. (Portraits still seem to predominate) |
My earlier work from Julia's drawing classes

This pastel was done as an exercise in Julia's Drawing Class. (See the class page for further comment)