Julia's Drawing Class
This class is no longer available; this page is currently maintained for the benefit of past students.
A form of drawing tuition IS available currently (see Groups & Classes - General Drawing) ; contact Don (0417892019) or click below:
A form of drawing tuition IS available currently (see Groups & Classes - General Drawing) ; contact Don (0417892019) or click below:
During the first part of 2015, Julia's class has been working on a project involving tonal rendering of a scaled up (portrait) image. (A very rewarding set of outcomes here - more to come?.)
The 'Animal & Bird' studies - Pastel
Pastel Portraiture
Other colour studies (completed this year)
Earlier Works by students (2013)
Observational tonal portraits
Tonal Floral Exercise
A collective work - learning how to scale-up an image and improve tonal rendering.
(I bet he is a big help to his Mum - ed)