Bill had us attempt two 'paintings' over the one-day workshop; the first of a seaside bay; the second of a stylised 'Uluru/Olgas' type. The happy group got to it and by lunch the 'seaside' had as many variations as there were people.
You would be hard pressed to find a more welcoming man than Bill Truslove, who comes with a generosity to match. His byword? "Don't blend (with your fingers) - keep it 'fresh'." Bill had us attempt two 'paintings' over the one-day workshop; the first of a seaside bay; the second of a stylised 'Uluru/Olgas' type. The happy group got to it and by lunch the 'seaside' had as many variations as there were people. Bill said the afternoon subject was 'simple'. It must have been, because everybody had packed up by the time your correspondent (Jimmy Olsen, Cub-reporter, 'Daily Planet'?) looked up. Confused, Jimmy forgot to take more photos. (Bravely, Jimmy includes the only effort avail as we go to press!) Bill, please accept the thanks of all for your excellent help. Your membership at Arts North will certainly help 'promotion' generally.
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