A very successful workshop! (Full house.) Many thanks to Richard!
Most (all?) of the attendees demonstrated that even on simple matters such as perspective and composition, there was huge scope for improvement and, although Richard, in one day, was not able to turn individuals into virtuosos, he provided one huge take away: "There is nothing that can't be fixed .. no matter how 'bad'!"
His approach? Find the bit that offends you most .. deal with it (correct it, if cause is identifiable; if not, remove it). Step back .. find the next most grievous offender; correct or remove; .. and so on.
He suggests that the painting that is offending you totally is, in fact, the easiest to rectify .. you can give yourself permission to make BOLD changes ANYWHERE!
For a couple of us, this was a 'first-time' intro to acrylics .. Richard gently took all along together and everybody had the opportunity to explore their subject treatment and, in particular, to question.
The day wound up with a couple of volunteers passing their work to Richard for an 'up-the-front' critique and 'make-over'. Don and Julie were selected and Don, at least, thinks he learnt heaps in just the three or four minutes that it took Richard to 'raise the dead'.
(Click photos below to enlarge)